Building a Unified Remote Work Culture

Liezel Porras
January 20, 2022

In today’s work culture, there is a need to cultivate an environment that can foster both transparency and productivity. Not only that but also while providing employees with a sense of belonging no matter where they are located. Good pay or benefits are essential, but a positive everyday experience is principal to retention.

Breaking Virtual Barriers

While technology allows us to stay connected and is an important part of the remote work culture, frequent zoom-like meetings present their own set of challenges. Work-from-home burnout and Zoom fatigue, to name a few, are some of the challenges that many of us face, despite the supposed convenience of working from home and meeting via videoconferences.

We set up video conferencing such as virtual training, webinars, regular meetings, and other virtual gatherings with our colleagues from Bacolod and Roxas — integrating them into Xillium events and activities. This gives us the opportunity to connect with our remote colleagues, bridge the social distance, and build a company culture that supports our remote team members.

Building Camaraderie

Expansion comes with social and collaboration challenges, especially when working with teams from different locations. Daily and frequent virtual communications, team huddles, and virtual happy hours help us create successful remote working relationships and preserve a sense of camaraderie.

Building connections has been one of the biggest challenges for the remote workforce since the onset of the pandemic. However, in Xillium, we strengthen team bonds among remote employees, which directly translates into improved relationships, trust, and communication. By fostering transparency, we can continue to move forward and make the most of our culture by focusing on creating a more trusting environment.


Liezel is a senior writer at Xillium, holding a degree in literature. Prior to joining the company, she spent six years mentoring foreign Asian students to improve their English communication skills in a web-based education. Her academic involvement included developing and revising instructional materials and content. Liezel's career in distance learning has honed her skills in communication, management, research, and technology.

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